National Prequalification System for Civil (Road & Bridge) Construction

We aid Civil, Asphalt, Concrete, and Steel Fabrication, Contractors apply for the Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) National Prequalification System to undertake Road and Bridge projects and works on New South Wales state infrastructure. Please contact our National Prequalification team to discuss your company’s needs. We are a division of TK Business Group, a medium-sized consultancy business based in Sydney. Use the contact form below or send your email directly to

What is the National Prequalification System for Civil Construction?

The National Prequalification System for Civil (Road and Bridge) Construction Contracts classifies contractors who wish to tender for road and bridge construction contracts. The scheme was initially developed by Austroads.

Although the system is administered by the state and territory road agencies. We specialise in the development and submission of applications to secure prequalification status for contractors in New South Wales for the Transport for NSW state government road agency. This in turn allows the contractor to tender for state government projects based on their prequalification status.

 The prequalification system classifies contractors who wish to tender for road and bridge construction contracts. The classification is based on the contractor's technical and managerial expertise, financial capacity, and previous performance.

Under the NPS, contracts for the construction of roadworks and or bridgeworks are categorised as follows:

  • Roadworks: R1 to R5 (with R1 being the lowest level)
  • Bridgeworks: B1 to B4 (with B1 being the lowest level)
  • TfNSW also requires prequalification for the Specialist Categories including Concrete Paving Machine Placed (K1 and K2), Asphalt Paving Machine Placed (A1 and A2), Pretensioned Concrete Routine (C1 and C2), Steel Fabrication Construction (CC3), and Protective Treatment Field (T).

Contractors are also financially assessed. The contractor is then assigned an NPS financial level. This indicates the maximum value of project the contractor can bid for. The levels range from F0.25 to F100 Plus. For example, a contractor assigned F10, can undertake projects valued at a maximum value of $10 Millon.

Once prequalified, eligible contractors may seek to have their prequalification status recognised by other participating agencies in Victora, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania and Australian Capital Territory.

How Can We Aid?

We can aid with the entire National Prequalification Application Process. This includes undertaking the following activities:

  • Complete an initial review to identify gaps and your company’s ability to apply to the scheme.
  • Prepare organisational capability statement.
  • Prepare organisational hierarchy chart.
  • Prepare personnel’s resumes.
  • Prepare, collate, and update organisational policies, procedures and systems.
  • Prepare and collate company’s experience.
  • Prepare and collate information about company’s current and past project performance.
  • Collate information about company’s safety, quality, environmental, and traffic systems.
  • Collate information about company’s technical expertise.
  • Collate information about company’s community and stakeholder engagement and experience.
  • Collate the required financial information.
  • Collate information about company's key personnel.
  • Collate information about company’s plant and equipment.
  • Coach and mentor, your team through the process.
  • Manage the final submission and communication with TfNSW.

Registration Scheme for Construction Industry Contractors and Other Areas We Can Aid?

We can also aid with the application process with the Registration Scheme for Construction Industry Contractors which supplements the Transport for NSW Prequalification Scheme by listing contractors and subcontractors with the capability to carry out the following types of services:

Drainage, Earthworks, Formwork, Traffic control, Construction laboratories, Erosion, sedimentation and soil conservation consultancy, Fabrication of minor steel items, Urban design, Demolition and Stabilisation.

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